Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
184 lines
extrn Stktop,Spsave,Sssave,ecint:proc,doret:proc
dbase dw @Data ; save loc for ds (must be in code segment)
; ec0vec - Ethernet interrupt handler
public ec0vec
label ec0vec far
push ds ; save on user stack
mov ds,cs:dbase ; establish interrupt data segment
mov Sssave,ss ; stash user stack context
mov Spsave,sp
mov ss,cs:dbase
lea sp,Stktop
push ax ; save user regs on interrupt stack
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push si
push di
push es
mov ax,0 ; arg for service routine
push ax
call ecint
pop ax
jmp doret
; ec1vec - Ethernet interrupt handler
public ec1vec
label ec1vec far
push ds ; save on user stack
mov ds,cs:dbase ; establish interrupt data segment
mov Sssave,ss ; stash user stack context
mov Spsave,sp
mov ss,cs:dbase
lea sp,Stktop
push ax ; save user regs on interrupt stack
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push si
push di
push es
mov ax,1 ; arg for service routine
push ax
call ecint
pop ax
jmp doret
; ec2vec - Ethernet interrupt handler
public ec2vec
label ec2vec far
push ds ; save on user stack
mov ds,cs:dbase ; establish interrupt data segment
mov Sssave,ss ; stash user stack context
mov Spsave,sp
mov ss,cs:dbase
lea sp,Stktop
push ax ; save user regs on interrupt stack
push bx
push cx
push dx
push bp
push si
push di
push es
mov ax,2 ; arg for service routine
push ax
call ecint
pop ax
jmp doret
; fast buffer I/O routines -- used by 3-COM Ethernet controller
; outbuf - put a buffer to an output port
public outbuf
outbuf proc
arg port:word,buf:ptr,cnt:word
if @Datasize NE 0
uses ds,si
lds si,buf ; ds:si = buf
uses si
mov si,buf ; ds:si = buf (ds already set)
mov dx,port
mov cx,cnt
; If buffer doesn't begin on a word boundary, send the first byte
test si,1 ; (buf & 1) ?
jz @@even ; no
lodsb ; al = *si++;
out dx,al ; out(dx,al);
dec cx ; cx--;
mov cnt,cx ; save for later test
shr cx,1 ; cx = cnt >> 1; (convert to word count)
; Do the bulk of the buffer, a word at a time
jcxz @@nobuf ; if(cx != 0){
lodsw ; do { ax = *si++; (si is word pointer)
out dx,al ; out(dx,lowbyte(ax));
mov al,ah
out dx,al ; out(dx,hibyte(ax));
loop @@deloop ; } while(--cx != 0); }
; now check for odd trailing byte
mov cx,cnt
test cx,1
jz @@cnteven
lodsb ; al = *si++;
out dx,al
outbuf endp
; inbuf - get a buffer from an input port
public inbuf
inbuf proc
arg port:word,buf:ptr,cnt:word
uses di
if @Datasize NE 0
les di,buf ; es:di = buf
mov di,buf ; es:di = buf
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov dx,port
mov cx,cnt
; If buffer doesn't begin on a word boundary, get the first byte
test di,1 ; if(buf & 1){
jz @@bufeven ;
in al,dx ; al = in(dx);
stosb ; *di++ = al
dec cx ; cx--;
mov cnt,cx ; cnt = cx; } save for later test
shr cx,1 ; cx = cnt >> 1; (convert to word count)
; Do the bulk of the buffer, a word at a time
jcxz @@nobuf ; if(cx != 0){
in al,dx ; do { al = in(dx);
mov ah,al
in al,dx ; ah = in(dx);
xchg al,ah
stosw ; *si++ = ax; (di is word pointer)
loop @@deloop ; } while(--cx != 0);
; now check for odd trailing byte
mov cx,cnt
test cx,1
jz @@cnteven
in al,dx
stosb ; *di++ = al
inbuf endp